Saturday, August 29, 2020

How my mum and i do church


                                            How my mum and i do church 

Hello Bloggers my name is Emrico and today ill be showing you how my mum and i do church.

                First thing that we do is get ready for church as all people do.

                After that i don't if you guy's know about zoom but we use that to communicate with each other. 

                Most of the time we go at like 9:30 on Sunday to 10:00 am not pm

                and then as Samoans we eat konaie  if you don't what is it its like food,but some of your family                      bring's food for all of us,and then we eat pork skin and the stuff that are inside but most of the                        parents eat it.


                   And thats it hope you have good day you will see another blog post tomorrow 

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