Today ill be sharing to you what we did and what we leaned, first our group made a copy of the bottle with cardboard ,and then I had to cut it out but then I go into a jam,so I went out said and got it done, once i was done we tried to balance the cardboard with a ruler, and then we traced a line on the cardboard so we know whats the medil of presser for our gruop bottle,and then our group traced a line onto our group bottle and we were done but we had to spin the bottle to check,if the bottle was done or not,but if i spin it and it was sniping at the back we had to change out fins,but lucky us it was going at the front,thats' it for today heres some of the photos.
Ka pai Emrico. What a great example of still enjoying the challenge when you get in a bit of a jam. I love it when I get stuck on learning a tricky drum beat, it really tests my brain out. And another example of how important it is to work well with other people! So did your rocket fly this week?